Melissa Panszi Riebe
Founder, Designer
& Maker
Melissa Panszi Riebe closed her laptop and sighed. It was almost time to meet her friend Edie for dinner. Leaning back in her chair, she reflected on what had been another long week. Her job as a social worker was always busy. She knew the work was meaningful and impactful to her clients. But at the end of the day, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was meant for something different, something more.
Growing up, Melissa was inspired by her parents, who had both immigrated to the United States—her mother from Germany, and her father from Mexico. After growing up in poverty in Mexico, her father went on to become a successful neurologist in the Midwest. He often reminded Melissa of the importance of dreaming and told her that reaching for dreams is what pushes people to achieve more. He and Melissa’s mother instilled in their children the strong belief that through education and hard work they could achieve anything.
Family visit in mexico
So Melissa dreamed of the career and life she wanted and focused on her education. After college, her first job was working with inmates on death row. This work inspired her to earn a master’s degree in social work. She moved into a position as a social worker in a cancer center and went on to receive a graduate degree in nonprofit management. Melissa had taken the path she thought was the right one and had built a solid career helping others. Still, there was that part of her that felt like something was missing.
When she left her office to meet Edie that evening, she had no idea the conversation they were about to have would pivot her entire career. Melissa told her friend how she was making jewelry as a hobby. She felt such passion for the craft that she’d begun dreaming of someday turning it into a business. Edie encouraged Melissa to take the leap. Her wise friend suggested she may never feel completely ready, but she would never be ready if she didn’t start.
Something clicked for Melissa that night. She returned home and immediately began planning her jewelry business and closing the chapter on her social work career.
Edie and I
My Statement
About A D’Zine
In 2015, Melissa launched her jewelry business, A D’Zine, which she named in honor of her sons by combining their first initials.
A D’Zine sells one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry crafted from new and vintage materials(often pieces donated from families that want to see their loved ones jewelry live on in new designs), as well as global treasures like beads and stones.
A D’zine offers unique statement pieces that make her customers feel beautiful and powerful and allow them to express themselves.
Melissa feels more fulfilled, more inspired and more engaged in her work. She has even incorporated this idea of more, or “mas” in Spanish, into A D’Zine’s mission to “create bolder fashion statements and a kinder world through “mas” (Make a Statement) community.
MAS, as in Spanish for “more”
Melissa wants her unique designs to bring out the “more” in everyone who wears them. More beauty, power, expression, fun- we could go on and on. It’s not just about jewelry. It’s about feeling powerful and kind, andbeing the catalyst for conversation.
MAS, as in Make a Statement
Melissa has also created the Mas Community for A D’Zine customers, which is centered on helping others build on their strengths to make a better world. Mas Community members are connected through social media and receive a newsletter with information about the featured nonprofit each month, plus other local business news and sale updates.
Through her career change, Melissa experienced firsthand how leveraging personal strengths can improve overall happiness, and she is committed to helping others do the same.
MAS, as in Make a community
Our statement is to create better communities. Through your purchases, A D’Zine donates a portion of every sale to our featured nonprofit of the month.
To date we have supported work in women’s healthcare, food accessibility, social justice, and employment training.
And through our MAS Community, we encourage our customers to embrace their unique stories and identities.
Melissa is the happiest when she’s creating.
Using these talents every day makes her feel more connected to her true self.
“I am honored when I hear compliments from people who wear my jewelry and they describe how it makes them feel when they are wearing it. It is a privilege to know that my work is worn during an important life event or just every day. One of my favorite parts of making jewelry is getting to know the people who wear my pieces. I celebrate their beauty, inside and out.”